Jul 04, 2024
Where Are You
America, this nation
is on the shoulder of Jesus Christ our Lord and will always be.
With the mind of imagination hearing the Old Saints cry...
Apr 01, 2024
The Fuel to propels you to think higher
thoughts, sometime come is the simplest ways. All it takes is to
look around and read the sign, you have your message for...
Aug 01, 2023
We can trust His Word, in
season and out of season. Warfare is all around us, how do we fight
and win this battle. Just show up, you don’t have to have all...
Oct 01, 2022
In reading this I am not saying don’t take your medication; and I
am not saying don’t go to your counselor. But I am saying
everything comes from God. He gives...
Oct 01, 2022
heavenly focus, know what God is saying to you.
I am simply saying look up, to the hills from which our
Our help come from the Lord, our God who made the...
Sep 07, 2022
When we have faith in God,
and trust in His Word, and know without a doubt, He knows what we
stand in need of. This will help us to understand what it means to
John 3:16 Inspirational
The greatest love story that has ever been told and that will ever
be told is the words, about the Word. The love of Jesus Christ our
We whom God has called are used as
vessels. We may runover with gratitude, but it is only because God
has filled us with His grace, that we may press forth in...
Do God
hear me when I pray? Yes! God hear us when we pray; If My people,
which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek My face, turn from...