Finding inspiration and guidance in unexpected places

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Ruby Cunningham Thomas

April 1, 2024

The Fuel to propels you to think higher thoughts, sometime come is the simplest ways. All it takes is to look around and read the sign, you have your message for today. The Power Of The Holy Spirit seeking the salvation of souls. The man said “Free Gas For your tank”.  You don’t see a gas station in sight; you are asking yourself what is he talking about, free gas for your tank?  This man is talking about spiritual fuel for your spirit, mind, heart, your soul. The key is to make sure you know that you are getting the real deal, Salvation is free, but there is a price that has to be paid to receive the true benefits for eternal life. If you stop and fill your tank with gas super, and your car require unleaded gas, or lower graded gas that have all kinds of additives It can damage your engine (mind, heart, spirit and soul). In other words, I am talking about false prophets, there are many waiting to deceive the very elect of God. Matthew24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. We have seen this, therefore; make sure you are at the right service station (Church), where the truth of the gospel is going forth. Where you can follow along with him/her in the Bible. For it is the fuel of the Holy Ghost that will propel you to a higher height in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

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